Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work® Day at HKUST

Thursday Apr 23, 2015
Organized by the Women Faculty Association of HKUST

May 1: Some photos of the day.
Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® is a US-based program that promotes work-life balance and provides children an enriching educational experience by exposing them to the workplaces and jobs of their parents or guardians. This year's program will be on Thursday, April 23.

The Women Faculty Association (WFA) of HKUST is organizing this event at HKUST for the fourth year. Here are the the web archives from previous offerings: 2014, 2013 and 2012.

The 2015 theme is "#MPOWR Knowledge+Choice=Strength". The Great Ideas guide contains a lot of activitiy ideas.

Participating children are divided into three groups by age: Group A (6-7 years) of children born in 2008-09, Group B (8-9 years) of children born in 2006-07, and Group C (10+ years) of children born in or before 2005. In the program there are some activities for all the children and other for specified groups due to age suitability and venue capacity. Group A (6-7 years) will finish their activities at 3PM whereas the other two groups at 5pm. Feel free to join or skip any activities of your group as your schedule allows and/or your children's interests direct.

If you are interested in taking your children (aged 6-16 years old) to participate in the program on the day, please download and fill out the application form, and send it to todsday@ust.hk at your earliest convenience, no later than Mar 20, 2015. Space for activities might be limited due to resource constraints, e.g., lab capacity, and priority for an over-booked activity will be given to children of activity hosts, people who join the activity for the first time, and WFA members.

Resources for Parents/Guardians
Here is a leave request form for participating children to submit to their schools if it is a school day for them.

The organizing committee consists of the following members: Rashmi Adaval, Pascale Fung, Elizabeth George, Qiong Luo, Chiew-Lan Tai and Sujata Visaria. For inquiries, please email todsday@ust.hk.