Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work® Day at HKUST

Thursday Apr 24, 2014
Organized by the Women Faculty Association of HKUST

Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work® is a US-based program that promotes work-life balance and provides children an enriching educational experience by exposing them to the workplaces and jobs of their parents or guardians. The 2014 program will be on Thursday, April 24.

The Women Faculty Association (WFA) of HKUST is organizing this event at HKUST for the third time. Here is the web archive of TODS Days at HKUST in 2013 and 2012.

Due to our resource constraints, we will accept around 30 children of primary school age (roughly 5-12 years old) along with their accompanying adults for the program. We will give priority to WFA members and volunteer hosts of the activities of the day.

The 2014 theme is Plant a Seed, Grow a Future. We are in the process of organizing a set of activities for the day and would welcome colleagues to volunteer hosting one of them. Note that children will be accompanied by their adults all the time during the day and they may choose to skip any activities listed in the program.

Please download and fill out the application form, and send it to Qiong Luo/CSE (luo@ust.hk) at your earliest convenience. Space is limited and priority is given to children of activity hosts and WFA members.

Resources for Parents/Guardians
Here is a leave request form for participating children to submit to their schools if it is a school day for them.

The organizing committee consist of the following members: Rashmi Adaval, Pascale Fung, Elizabeth George, Qiong Luo, Chiew-Lan Tai and Sujata Visaria. For inquiries, please contact Qiong Luo at luo@ust.hk.